
Thank you  for showing an interest in Mondeor Primary School as the school to which you would like to send your child.

2024 School admissions

Grade 1: Gauteng Education MEC has officially announced the 2024 online admissions for Grade 1 & 8. Applications will open on Thursday, 15 June 2023 and close on Friday, 14 July 2023. To apply, log in to once applications open


On successful completion you will receive a reference number and an confirmation SMS.


In addition to the GDE online application, a Mondeor Primary School Application Form (see link below) must be completed in full. It is important that the GDE reference number and the date of application be filled in on this form as well.


Grades 1-7: Please click on the link below to download and print the Application Form.


Please hand the completed form, and the certified undernoted supporting documents, to the School’s Admission Clerk, Ms Vinolia Marwane. These MUST NOT be emailed.


Supporting documents required

             *Certified copy of ID/Birth Certificate

             *Certified copies of ID’s of both parents

             *Legal guardianship paperwork if not biological parent

             *Proof of Formal Residence/Work by way of

                          -Current lights and water account, in own name —if homeowner

                          -Current Lease Agreement, in own name —if renting or,

                          -Current Levy Account, in own name —if renting

             *Letter from Employer —if applying with a work address

             *Immigrants—Certified copies of Passports/Study Permits

             *Grade 2-7 latest School Report

             *Immunisation/Clinic Card

             *Transfer card (Grades 2-7, at end of year)

Preference will be given to the learners residing in the feeder zone. Only once all these learners are placed, will consideration be given to others.


Regretfully, there may not be availablility for all learners as Mondeor Primary School is a high pressure school, receiving more applicants that the school is able to accommodate.