Vision and Mission Statement

Phone:(011) 680-5454

Fax: (011) 433-0692


The Core Values of the Vision and Mission at Mondeor Primary School are:

·     Courtesy

·     Empathy

·     Honesty

·     Respect

·     Reverence to God

·     Ubuntu





In a valley carved by the Bloubosspruit

Against a high Klipriversberg hill,

rests our school,

the heart of Mondeor.

Always eager to do God’s will.


Floreamus, we will flourish

Our Mondeor Primary School days -

the happiest of all

Floreamus, we will flourish

South Africa we’ll answer to your call.


We are striving for excellence in all things,

in the games we play and in the work we do.

We will always be proud of our great school.

Don’t forget what is has done for you.


Floreamus, we will flourish

Our Mondeor Primary School days -

the happiest of all

Floreamus, we will flourish

South Africa we’ll answer to your call.

To contact us: