Overview and Principal’s Message

Phone:(011) 680-5454

Fax: (011) 433-0692

E-mail: head@mondeorprimary.co.za

To contact us:

Text Box: 2024 Term 2 

Welcome back to school! 

I sincerely hope you have all shared in happy family celebrations for Easter and enjoyed time with your children at home during the school holidays. 

Term 2 is ready and waiting to get going with a bang!  As always there is so much planned and I trust that we will be able to share in a productive, meaningful, and happy term ahead.  

As we move into the winter term with shorter days and darker mornings, please make every effort to ensure that your children arrive at school on time.  Arriving at school late is disruptive and unsettling for the individual concerned and her/her peers and teacher.  

Attendance at school is crucial to your child’s learning. Frequent absences, late arrivals and early departures can have a negative impact on your child’s academic progress, and it is my wish to keep the focus on increasing learner achievement and doing whatever it takes to help ALL our learners be successful and to enjoy coming to school each day. 

We will continue to use the D6 app to let parents know about the newsletter, important messages or changes to planned events. To ensure you only receive messages that are relevant to you, could you please go into the D6 app setup and select each grade in which you have children. This will enable us to more accurately address your needs. 

Thank you for your continued support of our school.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
Yours in education
Tlhavani T.F.

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
			– Thomas Edison